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          Sustainability leaders recognised at Finance for the Future Awards

          FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Wednesday 5 October 2022
          CONTACT: ICAEW media office: media.office@icaew.com, Judith Dow:
          Judith.dow@icaew.com Mobile: 07889 894431

          Organisations that have promoted sustainability through finance and leadership initiatives were
          recognised at the tenth Finance for the Future Awards held last night (Tuesday 4 October 2022).

          The awards, which are run in partnership between ICAEW, Accounting for Sustainability (A4S) and
          Deloitte, were presented at a ceremony in London with an online option for international delegates.

          The Finance for the Future Awards recognise businesses, organisations and people that have
          demonstrated leadership to encourage sustainable practices. Established in 2012, the awards’ goal is
          to inspire, inform, and influence people in the finance sector to embed sustainability in business

          The winners in each category were:

          • Embedding an integrated approach (non-listed companies): Forico.
          • Embedding an integrated approach (listed companies): MPIC.
          • Communicating integrated thinking: NatWest.
          • Moving financial markets (large organisations): Aviva Investors.
          • Moving financial markets (small and medium sized funds, projects and initiatives): First Nations
            Financing Authority.
          • Driving change in the finance community: Make My Money Matter.

          Underscoring the importance of finance in combating climate change, and the scale of the challenge
          faced in responding, the judges presented additional Climate Leadership Awards to:

          • Forico.
          • NatWest.
          • Make My Money Matter.
          • SSE.
          • Ceres.
          • Global Alliance for Banking on Values.
          • DP DHL.
          • DZCIB.
          • Moodys.

          ICAEW Chief Executive Michael Izza said:

          “Chartered Accountants and finance professionals have a vital role to play in enabling and driving
          forward the transition to a net-zero, fair and nature positive world economy, and this was our
          proposition more than 10 years ago when the Finance for the Future Awards were first established. It
          has been an inspiration to see the awards evolve and to witness the quality and ambition of our
          finalists today, and I congratulate all the winners.”

          Veronica Poole, Vice Chair, Deloitte UK said:

          “The past year has seen a devastating string of extreme weather events, showing clearly that we are
          already living in a climate crisis. So, if we are to turn back the tide of climate devastation and unlock a
          resilient, sustainable, clean energy economy to preserve our planet, we need to act now. Today we
          celebrate organisations that are showing climate leadership, innovation, commitment and progress.
          They provide an inspiration and a learning opportunity for us all.”


          Notes to editors:
          For more information, visit www.financeforthefuture.org
          Photos of the winners are available upon request.

          About ICAEW

          Chartered accountants are talented, ethical and committed professionals. ICAEW represents more
          than 195,300 members and students around the world.

          Founded in 1880, ICAEW has a long history of serving the public interest and we continue to work
          with governments, regulators and business leaders globally. And, as a world-leading improvement
          regulator, we supervise and monitor around 12,000 firms, holding them, and all ICAEW members and
          students, to the highest standards of professional competency and conduct.

          We promote inclusivity, diversity and fairness and we give talented professionals the skills and values
          they need to build resilient businesses, economies and societies, while ensuring our planet’s
          resources are managed sustainably.

          ICAEW is the first major professional body to be carbon neutral, demonstrating our commitment to
          tackle climate change and supporting UN Sustainable Development Goal 13.

          ICAEW is a founding member of Chartered Accountants Worldwide (CAW), a global family that
          connects over 1.8m chartered accountants and students in more than 190 countries. Together, we
          support, develop and promote the role of chartered accountants as trusted business leaders,
          difference makers and advisers.

          We believe that chartered accountancy can be a force for positive change. By sharing our insight,
          expertise and understanding we can help to create sustainable economies and a better future for all.

          About Accounting for Sustainability
          Our aim is to make sustainable business, business as usual.
          HM King Charles III established A4S in 2004, when he was The Prince of Wales,
          with the aim of working with the finance and accounting community to:

          • Inspire finance leaders to adopt sustainable and resilient business models
          • Transform financial decision making to reflect the opportunities and risks posed by the climate
            crisis and other environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues
          • Scale up action to transition to a sustainable economy

          A4S has three global networks:

          • Chief Financial Officers (CFO) Leadership Network – CFOs from leading organisations seeking to transform finance and accounting
          • Accounting Bodies Network (ABN) – members comprise approximately two thirds of the world’s accountants
          • Asset Owners Network – Pension Fund Chairs who integrate sustainability into investment decision making


          About Deloitte
          In this press release references to “Deloitte” are references to one or more of Deloitte Touche
          Tohmatsu Limited (“DTTL”) a UK private company limited by guarantee, and its network of member
          firms, each of which is a legally separate and independent entity. Please see deloitte.com/about for a
          detailed description of the legal structure of DTTL and its member firms.

          Deloitte LLP is a subsidiary of Deloitte NSE LLP, which is a member firm of DTTL, and is among the
          UK’s leading professional services firms.

          The information contained in this press release is correct at the time of going to press.

          For more information, please visit www.deloitte.co.uk