FNFA Staff






          Artist featured above: “Gathering Cherries” by Christian Morrisseau, Ojibwe

          First Nations Finance Authority (FNFA) is hosting an open call for First Nation artists across our nations and territories in Canada to submit two-dimensional art pieces to be entered for a chance to win in up to three categories: First Place – $5000, Second Place – $3000, and Third Place – $2000.

          Artistic concepts FNFA is looking to capture include, but are not limited to economic reconciliation, economic sovereignty, opportunities for future generations, the next seven generations, prosperity, traditional ways, stewardship, economic development, leadership, education, natural processes, and clean energy.

          Please download the entry form and send in along with submission

          Download Entry Form

          Criteria: Self-identifying First Nation artists from across Canada are invited to submit a two-dimensional original piece of art to FNFA’s head office in Westbank, BC.


          Submissions must be received by May 31, 2025:

          First Nations Finance Authority

          Re: Indigenous Art Contest

          202-3500 Carrington Road,

          Westbank, BC V4T 3C1

          Selection process: The Selection Committee will review submissions and advise successful artists of selection no later than Thursday June 14, 2025.

          Copyright release: By submitting their work, artists grant the FNFA a non-exclusive, royalty-free license to use the submitted work for promotional purposes across all communication channels, including digital and print publications, and on social media platforms, with proper attribution to the artist. Artists retain full copyright ownership of their work. FNFA will not modify the work without the artist’s prior, written consent. Submission of the artwork does not entitle the artist to financial compensation, unless the artwork is selected for the purpose described above. Artists may be commissioned to create a larger piece based on their submission.

          About FNFA: FNFA is a non-profit organization that provides financing and access to long-term loans with preferable interest rates, investment and advisory services to First Nation governments. Since its inaugural bond issuance in 2014, FNFA has raised over $3 billion in financing for First Nations governments generating an estimate of 30,000 jobs and $6.5 billion to the national economic output while supporting a wide range of projects from public infrastructure and housing to clean energy initiatives.

          Frequently asked questions:

          Q: Who is the selection committee?

          A: The selection committee is comprised of senior leadership on the FNFA management team.

          Q: Is there a theme to the art contest?

          A: Yes, the theme we are looking to explore includes, but is not limited to: economic reconciliation, economic sovereignty, opportunities for future generations, the next seven generations, prosperity, traditional ways, stewardship, economic development, leadership, education, natural processes, and sustainable energy.

          Q: Will art pieces outside of the theme be accepted?

          A: Yes, we will accept all art pieces submitted.

          Q: Can I include photography as a part of the submission?

          A: No, FNFA requires that the artist sends the original artwork.

          We value and honour First Nation artists from across Canada and thank all those who are interested in participating.

          For any other questions, please send an email to communications@fnfa.ca.