FNFA Staff





          Investment Products

          FNFA Investment Fund

          One of FNFA’s mandates under our Act is to offer to our members an investment opportunity that takes advantage of our “large size” when we work as a group. The FNFA team is happy to report that we have achieved that level, and we would like to introduce to you the FNFA investment fund.

          This investment fund is very flexible and suited for short-, medium- or long-term investments. New investment deposits or withdrawals can occur within 48 hours without any penalty or extra charges. The interest rate offered currently is 3.15% and changes with bank prime. The minimum investment threshold is $10,000. This investment fund offers your community the flexibility to monitor the markets and take advantage of investment opportunities rather than being locked into a fixed rate term deposit.

          If your community would like to participate in FNFA’s Investment fund, please fill out the Enrollment Agreement and email it to jbyra@fnfa.ca.